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Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Universal Studio Singapore 2014

Including this, dah 5 kali kita ke Univeral Studio Singapore (USS) ni. Once a year, mesti terasa nak datang sini. Why? Because it's super fun lah sesuai dengan our family yang love theme parks!

Ada banyak cara untuk ke USS ni. It's either you drive sendiri, use a public transport, get a package together with hotel stay (arranged by hotel) or you can use a travel agent. We opt for the last one coz that it's the most convenient for us. Bayar je lah harga tiket termasuk transport RM195 dewasa RM155 kanak-kanak, lepas tu tak payah fikir apa lagi, tinggal bawa badan dan enjoy!

On Sunday 9th November 2014, kita bertolak dari meeting point at Danga Bay sekitar pukul 7.30am. Alhamdulilah cuaca agrees with us on this day, setelah beberapa hari hujan lebat turun di Johor Bahru ni. Setelah melalui dua checkpoints, kita pun sampai di USS ni dalam jam 9.30am. Pintu USS hanya akan dibuka ada pukul 10.00am.

Fyi, USS ni terbahagi kepada seven zones i.e. Hollywood, New York, Si-Fi City, Ancient Egypt, Lost World, Far Far Away and Madagascar. Here, you can experience TRANSFORMERS The Ride: The Ultimate 3D Battle, Shrek 4-D Adventure, Madagascar: A Crate Adventure, Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, and more!

So, sedikit tips untuk yang belum pernah ke USS ni, masuk je entrance tu terus lah berlari ke Sci-Fi City Zone untuk masuk ke TRANSFORMERS The Ride: The Ultimate 3D Battle. Why? Sebab time ni orang lain tengah sibuk bergambar bagai kat Hollywood Zone dekat dengan entrance. So Transfomers ni belum ramai lagi orang queue. Waiting time cuma dalam 5 minutes je. Kalau tak, mau mencecah 30 - 45minutes uollz! Lenguh kaki berdiri lama-lama ni! For me, this is the best attraction in USS ni. Petang biasanya kita akan returned ke sini lagi.. Best!

Lepas tengok 3D ni, kita terus ke Ancient Egypt sebab En Husband and anak-anak I nak naik Revenge of The Mummy roller coaster ride. Me? Sorry lah, not my thing...

Sementara tunggu diorang, me and my son naik Treasure Hunters jeep ride yang tak berapa mencabar tu. Beratur tak sampai 5 minit dah sampai our turn. First time datang sini tungu dekat sejam nak naik benda ni. Rupa-rupanya tak best mana pun...untuk budak 4-5 tahun sesuai lah...

Lepas tu, kita mula gerak ke The Lost World...

Kita ke sini sebab nak naik Jurrasic Park Rapids Adventure raft ride pula. My son super excited sebab dah boleh naik benda ni. Last time pergi height dia tak lepas lagi.

Next, layankan budak-budak ni nak naik Canopy Flyer. This was the first time I've been on one. Tobatt!!

Canopy Flyer yang kat atas tu!

Time ni perut dah mula lapar. Makanan halal kat sini banyak, so takde masalah. So, untuk lunch ni kita patah balik ke Ancient Egypt untuk makan kat Oasis Spice Cafe.

Roasted Chicken Beriyani Set 

Butter Chicken Beriyani Set

Personally, I love the Butter Chicken Beriyani better. Sedap!

After lunch, we went to the Far Far Away zone to watch Shrek 4-D Adventure. Kalau siapa-siapa pernah ke Warner Brothers Movie World di Gold Coast Australia, mesti pernah tengok ni sebab sama je jalan ceritanya.

There were scheduled street performances as well..

And there's WaterWorld show not to be missed...

From there, we went to New York Zone to see the Lights, Camera, Action!™ Hosted by Steven Spielberg, ride the Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase and watched the When I Grow Up show.

Di USS ni ada juga disediakan surau untuk Muslims untuk bersolat, tapi tak berapa besarlah. Ia terletak di antara Accelerator™ di Sci-Fi City dan Ancient Egypt.

Terasa lapar semula, kali ni kita makan di Mel's Drive-In. Interiornya seperti dalam movies in the 50's...

Sebelum balik, kita ke Madagascar: A Crate Adventure for the last ride of the day.

Bought this cute Minion drink container as a souvenirs..

Pheww, after 9 hours kat sini, finally it's time to go home. Urghh! I'm beaten. Esok sure badan sakit-sakit nyer... huhuhu!

That's it peep! Until next post.....


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